It’s Hanukkah! (“Oh, That’s Right”)

Now available for download on CDbaby and iTunes!

Oh, That’s Right, It’s Hanukkah!

Lyrics by Eve Weston, Music by Bryan Blaskie

Performance by the talented Jen Rhonheimer

Want to sing along on your iPod or play it at your Hanukkah party?

DOWNLOAD the song at CDbaby


Temperatures are dropping

And the world has started shopping

‘Cause a festive time of year has begun.

Christmas tunes on every station

Bring the promise of vacation

And announce a month of gift-giving fun.


Even work is more appealing

With those snowflakes on the ceiling

And our Secret Santas lurking about

‘Cause the Christmas party’s coming

To get rumor mills a-humming

About coworkers who shouldn’t have made out.


But my Inbox keeps refilling

Like the eggnog we’ll be swilling

And the deadline that I’m under feels tight.

I’m intent on multi-tasking

When a friend at work starts asking

If I have special plans for the night.


And I have no idea what she’s talking about

Do I look better than I usually do?

She’s freaking me out with her knowing smile

So I glance around my desk for a clue—


Oh, that’s right, it’s Hanukkah

Don’t know why I didn’t remember.

Oh, that’s right, it’s Hanukkah.

It’s always in December.  Or November.

Oh, that’s right, it’s Hanukkah.

The reason tinsel comes in blue.

Oh, that’s right, it’s Hanukkah.

I really should’ve known since I’m a Jew.


With Christmas parties nightly

I’ve started sneezing slightly

And my eyelids are beginning to droop

I snart and grab a tissue

Thinking this could be an issue;

I should probably get some Matzoh Ball soup.


As I’m waiting in the deli

I see cookies filled with jelly

So I get a few to brighten up my mood

And after asking how I’m paying

The checkout guy starts saying

I might want chocolate coins with my food.


And I have no idea what he’s talking about

Chocolate’s not so good with a cold

But as I open my mouth to turn him down

I wonder why I’m being upsold—


Oh, that’s right, it’s Hanukkah

Don’t know why I didn’t remember.

Oh, that’s right, it’s Hanukkah.

It’s always in December.  Or November.

Oh, that’s right, it’s Hanukkah.

The reason tinsel comes in blue.

Oh, that’s right, it’s Hanukkah.

I really should’ve known since I’m a Jew.


In victory the Maccabees got eight days of light

From a tiny can of oil that was enough for just one night.


That’s why we have Hanukkah,

A miracle we should remember.

That’s why we have Hanukkah.

It’s always in December.  Or November.

That’s why we have Hanukkah,

The reason tinsel comes in blue.

That’s why we have Hanukkah,

So, Happy Hanukkah to Jew and to Jew.

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