Mark Taper Forum: TRIBES
Going into Tribes, I had no idea what to expect. But from the moment I laid my eyes on the visually stimulating set with its “staircase to nowhere” to the final black out, I was pleasantly surprised. Tribes is the story of a very verbose and verbal family with a deaf son and it’s about what happens when people for whom words seem paramount are no longer able to communicate with them.
The show builds its case slowly and artfully, using well-placed subtitles and supertitles when what’s said or not said would be difficult for the audience to understand without them. The lighting and sound cues are beautifully done and, at one moment in particular, reminded me of the power of theatre – what it can do in a confined space with limited resources, and yet, better than a movie or other storytelling device.
The story was moving and emotional, but not sad. It was funny in large part and showcased characters’ flaws for sure. The final scene between the brothers is touching and well-proves the point that was ostensibly the playwright’s objective and the subject of much debate among characters early on: whether emotion and feelings can be expressed – or even felt – without words.
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